Success StorySheep and Goat production in Hart county

Sheep and Goat production in Hart county

Author: Timothy Estes

Planning Unit: Hart County CES

Major Program: Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals

Plan of Work: Increasing Agriculture Awareness and Profitability

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Small ruminant numbers in Hart County has been on a steady increase the past several years.  More and more people are seeing the advantages of having small ruminants on their farm especially if they own small acreage.   On January 26th, 2023 the Hart County Cooperative Extension service offered a small ruminant production class taught by the director of animal health for the Kentucky Department of Agriculture Dr. Beth Johnson.  There were 19 producers in attendance for the class.  One of the exciting aspects of the evening was that 63% of those attending had never been to a program offered by Hart County Extension.  There was a mix of producers with 73% being sheep producers and 27% raising goats.  Those that attended indicated that the program was very informative with 81% of attendees saying that they would make a change to their production practices including adding more of a variety to their on-hand kidding/lambing supplies.   When asked what kind of small ruminant programming they would like to see offered in the future one attendee said; “ Any and all sheep information”.  A few weeks following the meeting, the Hart County ANR agent spoke with an attendee who stated that due to the training he was able to save a couple of newborn lambs by knowing how to properly place a feeding tube.  A very useful tool that Dr. Beth demonstrated the night of the meeting.   

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