Success StoryArea Extension Meetings
Area Extension Meetings
Author: Linda McClanahan
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Plan of Work: Agriculture and Horticulture
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
To meet educational needs for farmers of certain agricultural commodities, ANR agents in Boyle, Garrard, Lincoln and Mercer counties collaborate to host a series of winter educational meetings annually. This year they conducted meetings for forages, grain crops, backgrounder and tobacco producers. Topics for the meetings are selected based off surveys conducted by the individual county agents, surveys from past meetings and current issues. Surveys found these meetings were attended by producers with a range of farm sizes, some producers who had never attended before and producers who have attended every year. This indicates the meetings are addressing needs from a diverse set of farmers. Some farmers reported attending these meetings have helped them improve risk management, increase farm profitability and increase farm production. Additionally, with information attained at these meetings, farmers have added new best management practices, made better decisions and implemented new recommendations on their farms. Farmers also provided some valuable feedback on other topics of interest and current challenges on their farms which will help with planning future extension programs and considering plan of work for upcoming years.
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