Success StoryRadon
Author: Edith Lovett
Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES
Major Program: Building Healthy Coalitions
Plan of Work: Wellness & Healthy Communities-NEW
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents encourages families to make proactive choices to improve individual health and wellbeing. To encourage more people to have their home checked for Radon, the Pulaski County Extension Office have hosted two workshops to increase knowledge about Radon in the home. It is the goal through education and increased awareness, health hazards caused by radon can be reduced in Pulaski County.
Kentucky has the highest lung cancer rate in the nation and radon is the second leading cause of the disease. Overall, Kentucky has an estimated mean radon level of 5.4 picocuries. The EPA strongly recommends immediate radon mitigation of homes with radon levels of 4 picocuries or more. Home Radon Detector kits have been made available free for clients in Pulaski County. Detectors check the radioactive gas from the decay of uranium found in rocks and soil in the county. The only way to find out how much radon is in the home is by using a Radon Detector Test.
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