Success Story4-H Country Ham Project
4-H Country Ham Project
Author: Michael Rose
Planning Unit: Adair County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Developing Youth Into Productive Citizens
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Adair County Cooperative Extension and Kentucky 4-H have worked to strengthen local food programs and agriculture marketing efforts. Agriculture and food is part of our culture and heritage, including curing meats. Curing hams is a skill that had been practiced by past generations of Kentucky and Adair youth. The 4-H County Ham project provides youth the opportunity to apply scientific principles, exercise leadership and communications skills, and invest in their future.
4-H members learn principles in microbiology and practice food safety as they prepare green hams for curing. A ham house has been constructed in Adair County that enables the youth to be engaged throughout the curing process. Those entering competitions research and compose written and oral presentations addressing topics ranging from proper curing methods, insect control, proper storage and cooking, the history of country hams in the world, and how to construct a ham house. As they interact with volunteers and leaders, youth discover a variety of careers associated with the livestock and food industry.
During the 2022 Ham curing year, there were over 800 youth from 75 counties in Kentucky who completed the 4-H Ham Project and 35 4-H age youth, 6 Cloverbuds, and 5 adults from Adair County. Using the average KY retail price of a country ham the total value of the 4-H country hams would be over $140,000. The value of the Adair County youth hams was over $8500.00. Adair County youth were allowed to auction one of their county hams at the 4-H Ham Auction. The 2022 Adair County ham auction raised over $5,100 for the youth who auctioned off a ham. $3,500 was raised from the auction for the Adair County 4-H Ham Scholarship. Each year up to 3 senior 4-H members who participate in the ham project may receive a $300 scholarship for continuing education.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment