Success StoryEnhancing Communication Skills in Youth
Enhancing Communication Skills in Youth
Author: Jeremy Teal
Planning Unit: Meade County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Improving, basic lifeskills, well-being, and quality of life
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Hopkins County Cooperative Extension Service delivered programming on public speaking and preparing speeches and demonstrations to approximately 401 4-Hers over a three-month period. 4-Hers were instructed on effective communications skills and how to develop a structured presentation. Students learned how to select and research a topic and then develop their idea into a presentation. 4-Hers learned the subtleties associated with a good presentation; such as proper rate, intensity level, fluency, voice expression, proper movement, and use of gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact. Approximately 401 4-Hers practiced the skills they learned by presenting their presentations in classroom contests. 100% of participants practiced the skills taught to them in delivering their presentations.
All participants demonstrated a working knowledge of topics covered and gained valuable skills, which will greatly benefit them throughout their lives. Twenty Nine youth advanced on and participated in the county-wide Speech and Demonstration Contest and took on the added responsibilities of preparing for the event. Nine youth earned champion and qualified for the area competition. Champions in the classroom contest, county contest all received $25 awards. Awards given to participants equaled $1000.00.
"When young people are confident and capable in presenting their thoughts and feelings they are more likely to accept roles of responsibility in their communities and enhance their contribution to society". (Jones, K.R. 2006) Speech and Demonstration projects are one of 4-H’s most valuable and strongest projects because of the wide range of skills it impresses upon participants. Continuing education and countless careers are dependent upon effective communications skills. These skills are all developed and refined through the 4-H communications project.
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