Success StoryDemonstrating Skills for Success
Demonstrating Skills for Success
Author: Tracey Tashjian
Planning Unit: Graves County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Skills for a Better Life
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Three middle school students and three high school students were invited to present their Future City Engineering Project at the annual meeting of the Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers in Owensboro, Kentucky. Future City was one of four engineering projects and the only middle school program sought out to promote the future of engineering to today's engineers. The team provided a seven minute presentation before one hundred and fifty plus engineers from all over Kentucky and other states including Ohio, Tennessee and Indiana. The event provided an opportunity to promote Extension and highlight the skills that 4-H teaches in a non traditional setting to a captive audience. After their presentation virtually all of the engineers visited with the girls over the course of an hour and comments were made including "the girls are very well-spoken for middle school aged children", "these are the 'soft skills' that we are looking for in the engineers we hire", A number of the group collectively stated that after seeing the Graves County group they "felt better about the future of our nation and engineering". One engineer in particular approached the agent with a story of his own engineering firm and a time recently when they were asked to do the very same type presentation for a bid. His firm was able the seal the bid (7 million dollars to reconstruct small bridges) after demonstrating the ability to communicate ideas in a clear fashion, think quickly on their feet during questioning, and develop a comfortable rapport with their client. He stated that after watching the team's presentation was excited to see an organization teaching these skills so well.
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