Success StoryMonroe County Clover Fest
Monroe County Clover Fest
Author: Christina Hogue
Planning Unit: Monroe County CES
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: LIfe Skills Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Monroe County 4-H had not sponsored a wide reaching recruitment activity for many years. Program Assistant, Charolette Arnett, felt it was time to take the 4-H message to the county during National 4-H week. New FCS/4-H Youth Development Agent, Tina Hogue, was hired for the position just prior to National 4-H week, so the timing could not have been better!
Monroe County Clover Fest was held at Southern Athletics in Tompkinsville on Thursday, October 5, 2022. Leaders of both community and project clubs were on hand to answer questions and provide a glimpse of what they offer local youth. Attendees were engaged in hands on learning activities provided by club leaders and Monroe County Teen Club members. 109 individuals attended Clover Fest. From this event, 10 new members have joined Monroe County 4-H and are now actively involved in their clubs.
As a result of Clover Fest, Monroe County is very excited to have a new 4-H club that has been created. During the 2022 Monroe County Fair, one 4-H’er expressed interest in his passion for miniature farm displays. He was encouraged to bring his display to the fair, and momentum for this grew. After positive feedback at Clover Fest, 4-H Youth Development Agent and her Program Assistant set out to create this club. Monroe County 4-H Alum agreed to be the leader and following a very successful first meeting, The Monroe County Table Top Farmers was formed. This is the first club of its kind in the state of Kentucky.
In the short time since creation, the club has elected officers, started learning parliamentary procedures, and started speaking in front of the group each month. They have begun working on their own farm displays, and preparing for the Monroe County Fair. Teen member and leader is working with program staff in an effort to get farm displays added to the Kentucky State Fair. Each month this club is growing and producing 4-H’ers eager to learn and participate in all aspects of 4-H.
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