Success StoryMiddle School Youth Empowered Through 4-H
Middle School Youth Empowered Through 4-H
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Planning Unit: Todd County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Empowering Youth to Succeed
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In 2018, 33 Todd County Middle School 4-H members participated in middle school 4-H club meetings and 4-H events including: Kentucky 4-H Summit, the Mantle Rock 4-H Trip, the 4-H Talk Meet and the middle school 4-H club. Through out the 4-H summit, participants were involved in leadership and communication workshops, educational funshops, and planned time to explore 4-H core content areas. The Mantle Rock trip engaged youth in GPS tracking, hiking, history and exploration. The 4-H Talk Meet encouraged teens to defend an argument or prove a point through speeches and demonstrations, while building leadership and communication skills.
Young adolescents (middle school aged youth) warrant educational experiences and schools that are organized to address their physical, intellectual, emotional/psychological, moral/ethical, spiritual, and social developmental characteristics (Caskey & Anfara, 2014). The above mentioned 4-H Middle School programs seek to engage middle school aged youth and retain their involvement in 4-H activities through the middle school years, along with empowering youth to become active 4-H leaders on the local and state levels.
As a direct result of 4-H Summit participation, middle school aged youth improved through the objectives of the event. The middle school aged youth evaluated their experience. 98.33% felt accepted by their team, 83.51% made a connection with their State Teen Council Member, 92.49% felt they had the opportunity to give back through the community service event. Youth improved their communication skills (88.93%) and reported they could lead a communication activity once they returned home (87.24%). Expanded their leadership skills (90.82%) and reported they could conduct a leadership activity once they returned home (88.73%). Enhanced their team building skills (92.49%) and reported they could lead a group discussion once they returned home (87.4%). More than 73% reported they would like to apply to serve on the Kentucky 4-H State Teen Council, 70.59% reported they would like to apply to serve on one of the core curriculum leadership boards, and 87.73% reported that as a result of 4-H Summit they are more likely to attend 4-H Teen Conference.
Kentucky 4-H Summit as well as other 4-H programming for this age group provides a valuable experience in a safe environment for middle school aged youth, a developmental time where youth are experiencing rapid physical, cognitive, moral, psychological, and social-emotional development, as well as spiritual development.
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