Success StoryMiddle School Retreat
Middle School Retreat
Author: Brandon Darst
Planning Unit: Madison County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Develop and Strengthen Leadership and Life Skills
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Middle School Retreat
According to research, middle school is a time where young people explore their strengths and interests in order to find their place in theworld (Fagell. P.L., 2019). Therefore, it is essential to provide positive experiences in which young people are able to explore the world in a safe environment. Historically, Kentucky 4-H sees a decline in enrollment numbers for middle school age youth. In an effort to retain this age group, the Area C1-C4 Teen Council worked to plan, implement, and evaluate an overnight leadership-focused retreat for middle schoolers (grades 6-8).
C1-C4 Area Middle School Retreat provides youth the chance to learn about opportunities provided through 4-H, while developing friendships, leadership skills, and communication skills that may benefit them as they explore their strengths and interests.
At the North Central 4-H Camp, the 2022 event hosted 130 middle schoolers and teen leaders, along with 19 adults. Through 4-Hprogramming, middle schoolers had the opportunity to create friendships with their peers and mentorships with older 4-Hers who served as their team leaders and taught their classes. Youth also heard from two Kentucky 4-H State Officers and completed a project to learn about the function of the KY 4-H State Leadership Boards. Of those surveyed:
A major benefit of the C1-C4 Area Middle School Retreat is to instillconfidence in middle schoolers to become leaders in their local communities and share their new skills with others. Of the youthsurveyed, 86% plan to use information they learned to make future decisions.
A goal of 4-H Summit is to bridge the 4-H enrollment gap in middle school programs across the state. Of the youth who attended the retreat and completed the survey, 91% reported that they wanted to continue their participation in 4-H and attend future programs and events.
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