Success Story2023 Artificial Insemination Program
2023 Artificial Insemination Program
Author: Evan Tate
Planning Unit: Hancock County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Enhancing Livestock Management
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Each year Kentucky Cattle Producers strive to further their cowherd genetics. The Kentucky Cost- share program and other university programs have allowed producers the financial help to adopt new practices. Artificial Insemination is a practice that is now readily available for producers to utilize.
The Hancock County Cooperative Extension Service provides guidance and assistance to beef producers each year to conduct artificial insemination programs on their farm. This hands on program demonstrates the practice and allows the producers to better understand procedures. They also become more aware of the tools, facilities and supplies needed to conduct artificial insemination.
Initially, producers have noted that the practice is not as hard as once thought and they have agreed that it is a practice they will continue in the future. Furthermore, producers who are returning to the practice in subsequent years are now able to follow protocols themselves without assistance and have gained knowledge of the tools and drugs used in the practice.
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