Success StoryTraining Future Leaders
Training Future Leaders
Author: Jamie Dockery
Planning Unit: Fayette County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
As a grassroots organization, Cooperative Extension relies heavily on community members to help with our education mission. Extension users often express interest in becoming more involved. The Cooperative Extension Master Gardener program is one means of doing so.
The Master Gardener Program is part of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and is designed to expand horticultural knowledge among the community through the use of trained volunteers. Master Gardeners are required to complete 40 hours of approved volunteer service and attend 20 hours of continuing education related to horticulture In their first year.
This training is well suited to move individuals to more responsibity in leadership roles. Over the summer Extension horticulture staff promoted the training and selected individuals for our upcoming class. Horticulture staff led 20 3 hour sessions, related not only to horticture best practices, but also the history and structure of Cooperative Extension. This training requires a high level of dedication and provides a direct path to council and board roles. 14 individuals completed the 3 month classroom portion and now enter their volunteer apprenticeship.
100% of participants indicated they had increased their knowledge of horticulture and plan to implement practices in their home gardens. Moving forward they will share this information with others, acting as Extension Ambassadors for our community.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment