Success StoryBale Grazing can stretch the fertilizer dollar
Bale Grazing can stretch the fertilizer dollar
Author: Vicki Shadrick
Planning Unit: Webster County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Educational Opportunities for Livestock Producers
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Efficient use of available forages is key to a successful cattle operation. According to NASS data, six percent (7.049 acres) of Webster County cropland is in hay and pasture. In 2021, fertilizer prices were at a historic high and input availability was uncertain. Producers were looking for ways to produce quality forages under these economic conditions.
Webster County cattle producers identified bale grazing as a priority program during a needs assessment session in the fall of 2021. According to University of Kentucky data, one ton of hay contains approximately thirty-five pounds of Nitrogen, twelve pounds of P2O5 and fifty-five pounds of K20 which translates to approximately $72/ton of nutrients. By implementing bale grazing producers can capture the nutrients in their hay. To take advantage of the nutrients, producers manage “how” the hay is fed by moving the feeding points.
Webster County Cooperative Extension and University of Kentucky Agriculture Economics Extension Specialist, Dr. Greg Halich offered a Bale Grazing Educational meeting at the Webster County Extension Office on February 23rd, 2022. Forty-eight beef producers were in attendance. According to a phone survey given five months after the program, 100% of those surveyed learned the concept of bale grazing and the potential benefits of implementing the practice. 53% of survey participants were interested in adopting bale grazing. As a direct result of attending the meeting, two producers have implemented bale grazing on their farm. Producers expect to have less hay feeding days, better nutrient distribution and improved fertility in marginal fields by utilizing bale grazing. Webster County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent and Dr. Halich are working with these producers to be a part of a state-wide bale grazing demonstration program. KY Ag Matters podcast with Dr. Halich on bale grazing, which aired on February 24th, 2022, is ranked 3rd out of 39 podcast in number of downloads as of December 19, 2022.
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