Success StoryGrain Rescue Tube Program
Grain Rescue Tube Program
Author: Brandon Sears
Planning Unit: Madison County CES
Major Program: Grains
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Madison County has seen an increase in grain crop production over the past 15 years and now has several new grain and feed bins in the area. Agriculture Development Cost Share funds through the CAIP program as well as depressed beef cattle markets and attractive grain production margins have helped farmers increase grain crop acres and on-farm storage.
Unfortunately, with more grain bins in the community comes the increased risk of grain entrapment for farm workers. Madison County Farm Bureau, Madison County Agricultural Development Council and the Madison County Cooperative Extension Service have partnered to secure funding for grain rescue tubes to be used by city and county firefighters. Coordinated by the ANR agent, Dale Dobson with KY Department of Agriculture provided a short overview of grain rescue tube options and a demonstration at the Extension Office for about 20 fire fighters from a combination of Berea, Richmond, and County fire departments. After demonstration and discussion, it was decided to pursue the use of Ag Development and Madison Count Farm Bureau funds to purchase 4 or 5 “Turtle Tubes” and one “Great Wall” grain rescue tube for use in the community. One each for Berea and Richmond, 2 or 3 for the county and one centrally located at Madison County EOC. The total cost was approximately $8,000.
The Madison County ANR agent coordinated purchase of the rescue tubes and is working with Dale Dobson to provide an 8-hour grain rescue tube training at the Madison County Extension Office for first responders. A community farm safety event is being planned with local farmers and first responders for the fall of 2023.
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