Success StorySharing hemp russet mite expertise of UK-REC specialist with Republican Dominican researchers to study new invasive eriophyid pest of banana plants
Sharing hemp russet mite expertise of UK-REC specialist with Republican Dominican researchers to study new invasive eriophyid pest of banana plants
Author: Raul Villanueva
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Dominican Republic is one of the largest banana exporters. Bananas are a staple food for Dominican Republicans that is consumed not only as fruit but also as a cooked vegetable as carbohydrate source for daily meals. This crop provides valuable income to local farmers as well as one of the major agricultural products exporting overseas. In 2021, banana rust mite, an invasive species to Dominican Republican, was detected causing severe damage to nursery banana plants. Dr. Villanueva was invited to be a member of a research team to study this devastating mite. This invitation is a result of his expertise in eriophyid mites. Thus far, a peer-reviewed paper (The banana rust mite,), an invasive mite in the Caribbean presenting an unusual sexual behavior) was published. Besides, a grant was funded by the Dominican Republic government. It is titled “Phyllocoptruta musae (Acari: Eriophyidae) in the neotropical region: Geographic distribution, molecular characterization, and symptomatology”. Villanueva is Co-PI of grant. This project will start in 2023.
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