Success StoryFence-line Feeders
Fence-line Feeders
Author: Keenan Bishop
Planning Unit: Franklin County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Increase best practices for urban agriculture, natural resources & local food systems
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
An 82 year old farmer struggled to maintain his cow calf operation due to age and physical abilities. CAIP cost-share and Extension designs made it possible to make improvements.
He started by installing fence-line concrete troughs. This allowed him to feed from his UTV without opening a gate and while being physically separated from the cattle. He still had to drive into the heavy use area once or twice a week to feed hay which meant getting on and off his tractor to open the gate while also having to keep the cattle from getting out.
A couple years later he installed a covered fence-line hay feeder with a concrete apron. Now he never needs to open a gate or be in with cattle while feeding. Hay is now covered from the time it is baled through consumption. The first year he fed 36% less hay.
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