Success StoryKSU Cattle Handling Equipment helping Small Cattle Producers
KSU Cattle Handling Equipment helping Small Cattle Producers
Author: Danny Adams
Planning Unit: Wayne County CES
Major Program: Small Farm Management
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Wayne County has several small cattle producers and most don't have the facilities to catch and hold their animals for vaccinations or to be able to sell them without outside family help. Cattle sometimes need to be caught and vaccinated to help with pinkeye.
By stopping by and having a farm visit a client I work with told me he was having a severe pinkeye problems in his beef cattle herd, he has ten cows with calves and a bull. He told me he wanted to sell his whole cattle herd because of the pinkeye problems he is having. I told him about the KSU Cattle Handling Equipment that we have in Wayne County and he could use it at know charge.
I also told him about vaccines he could use to treat his herd with, in helping with pinkeye problems he was having, or to contact a veterinarian for their advice on control of pinkeye in his cattle herd. He told me he just wanted to sell every cow and calf in his herd. My advice for him was to treat his herd with vaccines. He still just wanted to sell all of his cows and calves with the bull. I was able to help him with the KSU Cattle Handling Equipment.
The KSU Cattle Handling Equipment consist of a head catching squeeze chute and corral panels. I was able to transport the corral panels to his farm and set them up. In three days he was going to get a neighbor to transport all of his animals to the stockyards for sell. On the day of the stockyard sale he only sold the cattle with pinkeye and kept the rest of his cattle that day.
He was pleased with the cattle he sold and know longer had pinkeye in his cattle herd. He decided to buy more cattle at the stockyard the next sell date to keep his cattle herd at ten.
This would not be the recommendation I or the Extension Service would give him to help with his pinkeye problem in his cattle herd. But this decision he made with the help of the KSU Cattle Handling Equipment allowed him to keep a beef cattle herd in Wayne County. This allows himself to be a small agriculture producer of cattle in Wayne County, along with his vegetable production he does.
He seems very happy with the outcome he has had in his cattle herd.
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