Success StoryKYSU 4-H Tech Changemakers
KYSU 4-H Tech Changemakers
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4-H Tech Changemakers is a program that promotes digital literacy by utilizing teens to assist in bridging the digital divide with older adults to improve their digital literacy skills. The skills that are taught range from creating an email account and sending an email, learning about password safety, how to safely search and utilize the internet, video conferencing, and more. The goal of the program is to provide teens with the opportunity to teach older adults these digital literacy skills, the opportunity to be teachers, lead programs, and work on their communication skills. The benefits for the adults are they get to work with the younger generation, develop their technical skills, and also develop a relationship with the youth in their community. Kentucky State University's 4-H Program participated in the 4-H Tech Changemakers program, teaching 4 youth participants the various digital literacy skills. The youth reached out to 26 older adults. Out of all of the lessons that were taught, 76% of the participants said their comfortability level was AT LEAST "OK" with the information they were taught, and 42% stated their comfortability level was "VERY HIGH" with the information they learned. KYSU 4-H has plans on continuing the 4-H Tech Changemakers program to continue bridging the digital divide between the generations.
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