Success StoryFarm Safety Day (October)

Farm Safety Day (October)

Author: Annette Buckman

Planning Unit: Union County CES

Major Program: Agriculture

Plan of Work: Healthy Lifestyles

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Safety comes first in Union County!  The Union County 4-H Program along with the Union County Conservation District, Kentucky Farm Bureau, Kentucky Fish and Wildlife, and Farm Service Agency Office sponsor Farm Safety Day each fall in Sturgis, KY at the John Arnold Arena.  This unique safety day provides excellent training for all 5th graders in Union County.

Since the program began in 1993 - 2022 approximately 4,705 Union County 5th grade students have attended this safety program.  In 2020 and 2021 we were unable to have the program due to the Pandemic but this year 2022 we were able to continue the tradition.  The safety stations included: lawnmower, oil tank, grain bin, gun safety, water safety, outdoor , drug awareness, horse safety, and weather.  Also, toward the end of the program Wayne Hart, local meteorologist from WEHT News 25, came and spoke to the youth about weather safety concerning severe weather such as tornadoes, lightening and flooding.  This was especially helpful due to the recent natural disasters that have happened in and around Kentucky.  

At the conclusion of the event, students are asked to complete a survey that asked multiple questions.  Did you learn something new about farm safety, are you going to be safer at home or on the farm, and are you going to share what you learned with your family?  Nearly 95% of the students said yes to all three questions.  Also, in the survey we ask the youth what station they liked best.  Several youth stated they like the station that sprayed water on them.  Another student stated they like the animal safety because they like horses.  The Union County 4-H Program continuously seeks ways to better this educational program for the youth in Union County.

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