Success StoryKYSU 4-H Robotics Camp

KYSU 4-H Robotics Camp

Author: Lawrence Caudle

Planning Unit: KSU Administration

Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Robotics Camp – 7/26/22 – 7/28/22

Kentucky State University’s 4-H Youth Development team at the Rosenwald 4-H Center held a 3 day Robotics Camp for youth ages 9-12. The camp introduced robotics, engineering, and other S.TE.M. related concepts to the participants. Before the program, a preprogram survey was conducted with the participants. Of the 15 participants in the program, only 6 said they were interested in learning more about Science, Engineering, or Technology projects, but 12 out of 15 participants said they wanted to learn more about careers in Science, Engineering, or Technology. 9 participants stated that 4-H is a place where they can figure things out on their own, and 10 participants stated that 4-H is a place where they have the chance to become a leader. After the program, a post-program survey was conducted as well. Unfortunately, 3 participants could not finish the program, resulting in 12 participants completing the postsurvey. 12 out of 12 participants stated that they would like to learn more about Science, Engineering, and Technology projects. 7 out of 12 participants stated that they would like to learn more about Science, Engineering, and Technology careers. 6 participants stated that 4-H is a place where they can figure things out on their own, and 7 out of 12 participants responded “maybe” when asked if 4-H was a place they could have a chance to be a leader. On the positive side, 9 out of the 12 remaining participants said they would be interested in starting a Robotics club. We will take this information and use it to develop a strong Robotics Club program.

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