Success StoryBetter Baking

Better Baking

Author: Sharee Schoonover

Planning Unit: Livingston County CES

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Plan of Work: Encouraging youth to become skillful, productive, contributing members of our community.

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

A student of the Livingston county 4-H Program has worked hard to exhibit at the state fair each year. Her passion project has been baking. Both she and her mother shared that neither of them feel comfortable performing this task, but through the simplicity of the 4-H recipes and the drive to compete at the state level, BOTH of them were able to try out and learn new skills in the kitchen. Each year of competition the student shred growth, starting out with a white ribbon from the year she mixed up the sugar and the salt and grew into a blue ribbon at the 2022 fair. The student shared her excitement to be improving on the skills she learned in 4-H.

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