Author: Jessica Barnes
Planning Unit: Harrison County CES
Major Program: Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals
Plan of Work: Home and Farm Safety
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
We partnered with Harrison County 4-H as well as Tarter USA to offer a course for both youth and adults about small and large animal handling and equipment. We held this 3 hour long course at the livestock barn at our fairgrounds and had 43 in attendance 12 of those were youth participants with 4-H. We designed this program so that the 4-H youth that were present could earn up to 3 livestock credits and the adults could obtain their chute side BQCA training. The program was very well received by all and Kayla Maddox with Tarter USA did a wonderful job explaining the different types of livestock handling equipment and how different species require different pieces of equipment to safely handle the animal and keep yourself safe. We look forward to holding a program like this again in the future.
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One strong tradition in Harrison County 4-H is our expansive and in-depth textiles programs. The act... Read More