Success StoryLyon County 4-Hers compete at the Kentucky State Fair
Lyon County 4-Hers compete at the Kentucky State Fair
Author: Mary Beth Riley
Planning Unit: Lyon County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Developing Leadership Skills In Youth and Adults
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Kentucky State Fair is a long-standing tradition for Kentucky 4-H. Kentucky youth have various opportunities to participate at the Kentucky State Fair, but a favorite contest is the 4-H Country Ham contest. 4-H members throughout the state spend several moths preparing hams for the Kentucky State Fair. Lyon County 4-H is very fortunate to be able to use the facility of Broadbent B & B Food and to have the guidance and support from the staff at Broadbent’s. The Country Ham contest started in January at the Broadbent’s facility where the participant strategically picked out hams and began the curing process. The curing process took several months and multiple steps of salting, cleaning, and preparing to get a finished product. Once the hams were cured and polished for the State Fair the 4-Hers then had to prepare a speech to present. This year junior participants had to present a 3–5-minute speech regarding the difference between city ham and country ham and the process of curing country ham. The senior participants had to present a 5-7 minute speech over the economic and social impact of country ham on Kentucky. This year 75 counties across Kentucky participated in the ham project, over 800 hams judged, and over 800 youths presented speeches. 4-Hers compete in different levels based on their age and the process they took to process their ham. The Lyon County 4-Hers that participated were Maggie Duff, Ben Dunbar, Clay Murphy, Clay Stover, and Claire Shrewsbury. Ben Dunbar, a Lyon County 4-Her received first place with his speech and winning second place in his age division with his ham. Also, Clay Murphy received 3rd place in his age division with his ham. The Country Ham contest is a great way for youth to improve their public speaking skills, grow their confidence and gain responsibility. Thank you to Broadbent B &B Food for allowing us to use your facility and teaching the youth an important lesson of Kentucky heritage!
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