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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryBullitt Advanced Math and Science Mentoring Program

Bullitt Advanced Math and Science Mentoring Program

Author: Lorilee Kunze

Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES

Major Program: Natural Resources

Plan of Work: Natural Resources and the Environment

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The Bullitt Advanced Math and Science (BAMS) Program seeks to help the gifted students of Bullitt County reach their full potential through inquiry experiences, a rigorous and relevant curriculum, and educational outreach.  The Bullitt County Horticulture Program has collaborated with BAMS for many years helping them to gather data about the soil in Bernheim Forest and Arboretum.  Previously, Extension mentors helped students to understand the soil sampling process, testing process and analysis of the soil.  The results of these tests were then used to make sound, sustainable recommendations to Bernheim for renovation and remediation of the sites.  This is our second year partnering with the Bullitt Central High School Advanced Math and Science Program as group mentors.  By collaborating with professionals in horticulture at Bernheim Forest, this year the Bullitt County Extension service Horticulture Program has assisted in mentoring youths with their annual research project on evaluating transectional habitat in the Big Meadow.  We worked with youth on collecting data, researching habitat and evaluating ecosystems in the Bernheim Forest Arboretum and helped them to research and plan ways to reinvigorate or remediate areas in the Forest and make recommendations back to Bernheim on how to accomplish their recommended goals.  As a partner, Extension processed soil samples, advised on beekeeping, and made recommendations on agricultural and horticultural best practices.  We provided valuable feedback on research and gave direction to the group on how to identify species, how to find resources of accurate data and provided feedback on improving their speech and presentation skills.  This year's group reported that they were grateful for our mentorship and would have been lost without it.  The program director brought two groups to the Extension to present their findings to us as a thank you for all of our assistance and noted that the partnership was key to the youth involved in the BAMS project, and that the kids gained so much more out of the program because of our involvement.

Stories by Lorilee Kunze

Master Gardener Plant Sale

Master Gardener Plant Sale

about 8 months ago by Lorilee Kunze

Bullitt County is a community adjacent to Louisville and it is extremely hard to engage community me... Read More

Earth Day "Renew and Restore" Program

Earth Day "Renew and Restore" Program

about 8 months ago by Lorilee Kunze

Bullitt County residents need resources for renewal, relaxation, health care and environmental stewa... Read More

Stories by Bullitt County CES

"Kentucky First Farm" Program Helps Beginning Farmers Find Their Way

"Kentucky First Farm" Program Helps Beginning Farmers Find Their Way

about 8 months ago by Nathan Rider

Beginning farmers, market gardeners, and landowners frequently find themselves overwhelmed by all of... Read More

Veterinary Pop-up Clinic Returns for Improved Large Animal Animal Health in Bullitt County

Veterinary Pop-up Clinic Returns for Improved Large Animal Animal Health in Bullitt County

about 8 months ago by Nathan Rider

Across Kentucky, limited access to large animal veterinarians has posed a significant challenge for ... Read More