Success Story I believe that I am a better person because of 4-H
I believe that I am a better person because of 4-H
Author: Heather Coleman
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Plan of Work: Youth Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
I am so thankful that my mom talked my shy, little, 3rd grade self into attending 4-H camp after much hesitation all those years ago. My mom tried and tried to convince me that I would love 4-H camp, but I didn't believe her. I thought that I would hate staying away from my family for 5 days, not knowing everyone there, and trying new things. As a kid change scared me; I liked being comfortable and not being pushed out of my comfort zone.
When I first arrived at 4-H camp, I immediately wanted to go home. I thought that I was going to hate it, and that my mom was wrong. However, that changed very quickly. After only a few hours, I had already made so many new friends. I was extremely excited to try new things in the classes I signed up for. Soon I realized that my mother wasn't wrong, but I was. I wasn't going to hate 4-H camp, I was going to love it. 4-H camp made me become a more outgoing person in just 5 days.
When I made It home, I already wanted to go back. I loved the way I felt at 4-H camp; I was able to be myself, and everyone accepted it. I started going to 4-H camp in 3rd grade and continued going until 8th grade, and every year I enjoyed it more. Some of my favorite memories I've ever made were made at 4-H camp. I feel 4-H camp has provided me with so many life-long friendships.
When I was too old to attend camp as a camper, I was devastated. It was something I looked forward to every year, and I didn't want it to end, so my 9th grade year, I applied to become a teen counselor at 4-H camp. I was accepted for the position and was able to continue attending 4-H camp. I was extremely excited to be able to attend camp as a counselor because it gave me the opportunity to help make all the campers' experiences as good as mine had been. I wanted and still want all the campers to enjoy themselves just as much as I did when I was a camper.
To be eligible to apply as a camp counselor I had to be a member of the Floyd County Teen Council. I am still a member of the council, and this year I was elected as the treasurer. Whether it be by attending 4-H camp as a camper, as a counselor, or by being a member of the Teen Council, 4-H has been such a big influence in my life. It has taught me responsibility, leadership, patience, and many more valuable lessons. As a member of the 4-H teen council, I am expected to attend monthly meetings. At these meetings we discuss current and future community service projects, plan fundraisers, and discuss upcoming 4-H camps and programs. Attending these meetings helped me become a more responsible young adult. Being a 4-H camp counselor, as well as volunteering at the 4-H summer day camps my county host, I was able to become a better leader. As a counselor and a volunteer, I have to make sure that I am being a positive role model at all times. As a counselor and volunteer I also learned patience. Not all campers or kids listen or follow rules at all times, and at first this was difficult for me. But I quickly learned that inorder to work with children, I must be very patient.
4-H has been such a huge part of my life for so long, and I am so thankful for all the opportunities it has provided me with. I believe that I am a better person because of 4-H. 4-H has supplied me with so many friends and amazing memories. It has shaped me into a more out-going person, who now looks forward to trying new things. 4-H has shaped me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful for it. Emily W.
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