Success Story4-H Showcase
4-H Showcase
Author: Lucas Powell
Planning Unit: Fayette County CES
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
On September 29th the Fayette county 4-H had our first 4-H showcase. The main goal of this program was to promote or program and recruit new members. To accoplish this, through the use of social media and personal contacts with teachers and community members, we invited the community into our office to see what 4-h has to offer. This program was led by one of our council members in conjunction with myself. The showcase allowed for communication between unreached families and our club leaders and staff. The showcase was also a great opportunity for our 4-H council to help promote the program to a wider audiences.
Many of our council members and club leaders worked booths; providing information to those in attendance The showcase also gave some of our more active members leadership and public speaking experience. Club leaders who were not present selected active members to represent their area. This provided youth with the ability to enhance and develop their communication skills. The booths provided relevant information about each club and a small activity for those who were in attendance. With this being our first showcase we had roughly 25 people in attendance.
Of the 25 in attendance we received enrollment forms from 9 individuals and had seven other people and fill out our interest forms for clubs we are considering. We were also able to connect with a parent who is interested in leading dog club. Through this program we were able to see an direct increase in club registration and make contact with potential future club leaders. With the limited number in attendance we were able to gain an insight into other topics youth may be interested in for future clubs. We plan to offer the showcase again next year and build on what we have started. By building on this program we hope to reach more people and shape our offerings into what the community is most interested in.
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