Success StoryAgventures on Depot
Agventures on Depot
Author: Carrie Spry
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Horticulture, Livestock, Forages, Agriculture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Clark County Extension Agents worked with Clark County Farm Bureau and participated in an event call Agventures on Depot. This event brought together farmers, growers, producers, bankers, and more to help introduce and educate youth about agriculture. All program areas of Clark Extension worked together while participating in this event to offer the youth several activities along with educational information. Kentucky Department of Agriculture's "Kentucky Kate" was loaned to Extension which allowed youth the experience of milking a cow, while Winchester Farms Dairy donated smoothies for Extension to hand out to each child that successfully milked "Kentucky Kate". 4-H taught youth how to make their own butter with many of them enjoying the taste of their hard work. FCS provided and shared nutritional information about milk with the youth which educated and encouraged them to be excited about making healthy choices. Horticulture provided Grass Cow Head Make & Take Kits for the youth to be able to experience growing a forage first hand. Clark Extension was able to reach approximately 200 youth and help provide a fun and educational experience for them.
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