Success StoryImproving Heifer Development Skills
Improving Heifer Development Skills
Author: Gregory Drake
Planning Unit: Butler County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Promoting Commodies
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Beef Cattle production is an important enterprise for Butler County farmers. Butler County is a cow/calf production county that does not have many farms that are selling open or bred heifers. This causes most of our farmers to go out of county to purchase heifers or develop their own. The event host has wanted to encourage some young farmers to get into selling heifers. The agriculture agent organized, promoted, secured sponsors for, arranged volunteers for, and facilitated the event. The entire extension staff worked to make the event comfortable and beneficial for participants. The 4-H agent used the opportunity to work with the 4-H teen club on food preparation and safety. They prepared, served, and cleaned up the meal for 100 participants. A healthy recipe using fresh produce was served on the food line. UK Beef Specialists delivered the program. USDA and Conservation district professionals also provided program updates. The program was delivered in the Little Muddy community. The event is rotated around the county to give more people the opportunity to attend. The FFA facilitated parking for the event. There were 98 registered for the program. 18 of these were children. The target audience is people that farm, and community members that support agriculture. We had attendees from all parts of the county. Several elected officials attended, including our KY State Senator and US Congressman Guthrie. Legislative updates were provided as part of the program. A qualtrics evaluation was collected from 65 participants. This was the first time we used qualtrics for evaluation. This gives participants a chance to report what the learned, and will use, during this event. The initial outcome of the program is that 83 percent of respondents indicated they learned something. 48% said they would put the information to use. There is intermediate impact as 22 % intend to change a farming practice. Reported practices include: Feeding Heifers, Estrus Sync, and blood testing to determine pregnancy. 12% of respondents said they would use what they learned about getting heifers ready to breed.
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