Success Story10 years of 4-H
10 years of 4-H
Author: Amy Branstetter
Planning Unit: Metcalfe County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Develop Individual Youth and Adults for Leadership Volunteer Roles
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The county youth development agent encouraged and provided transportation for this young person to audition for the Performing Arts Troupe.
Oh, Kentucky 4-H, you have no idea how good you’ve been to me! Because of 4-H I was introduced to and accepted onto the KY 4-H Performing Arts Troupe. Many of you may not know what that is, and some may not even know that I’m involved in 4-H at all, but let me tell you about what 4-H has done for me…. I don’t talk about it much and until this week, I didn’t realize how it has impacted my entire life thus far. My freshman year when I auditioned for the PAT I had no clue the relationships I would establish, I didn’t know the way it would absolutely evolve the performer in me, I didn’t know the responsibility and leadership it would teach me, I didn’t know how many doors it would open for me or how many experiences would come with it, but I’m so blessed to have been a part of it. Without 4-H I would not be the student, performer, or leader I am today. I don’t know much about life before 4-H but I do know that without it, I wouldn’t strive to use my head, heart, hands and health to make this world a better place. Tomorrow will conclude my time as a 4-H’er and as a member of the Performing Arts Troupe, and though it is bittersweet, I’m so grateful that it has played such a life-changing factor in my life.??
Put your kids in 4-H… it will change their life! ??
Thank you, Kentucky 4-H. Thank you, County Agent, You are the reason I will use my head, heart, hands, and health to make a difference in this world. ??????
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