Author: Casey Townsend
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
During the Pandemic Jefferson County Kentucky State University 4-H Agents have shifted their programming efforts towards innovation in Robotics. A reactive approach was used in determining a need for robotics programming from feedback with various elementary schools in Louisville. With that feedback in mind, Dash Robotics by Wonder Workshop was acquired by 4-H Agent, Louis Milligan, because he saw that the curriculum was not only designed for K-5 schools, but also that it aligns with the 4-H Experiential Learning Model. Furthermore, the Wonder Workshop curriculum aligns with Next Generation Science Standards, Computer Science Teachers Association, Common Core State Standards Initiative and curriculum.
To gain a better understanding of Dash Robotics, 4-H Extension Associate, Casey Townsend was contacted to develop a training for implementing programs with Dash. A pre and post survey was administered during the program to measure the participants' comfort levels with using Dash, interest in starting a robotics club or team, and if the training would be recommended to others. The participants' comfort level with Dash before the workshop was 3.4 stars verses 4.4 stars afterwards. 60% of the participants stated that they would start a Cloverbud Robotics Club or Team, and 100% indicated they would recommend the training to others.
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