Success StoryNicholas County Agricultural Investment Program (CAIP) for 2022-2023
Nicholas County Agricultural Investment Program (CAIP) for 2022-2023
Author: Russell Muntifering
Planning Unit: Nicholas County CES
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
Plan of Work: New Agriculture Opportunities
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) is the primary KCES liaison to the County Agricultural Development Council (CADC), and as such encourages and coordinates educational components for CAIP (County Agricultural Investment Program) producers’ educational requirements, and helps facilitate CAIP producer informational meetings to review annual program changes and guidelines. The immediate top priority of the Nicholas County ADC whose reappointed and new membership was seated on July 1, 2022 was to publicize the availability of CAIP funding and application period, and assist prospective applicants in obtaining funds for agricultural development projects. Working together with the County Extension Agent for ANR and the CAIP Administrator, the 9-member Nicholas County ADC undertook an aggressive information awareness-raising/publicity campaign that comprised newspaper ads, social media postings, telephone calls, and word of mouth that culminated in an impressive record-breaking 168 proposals to the 2022-2023 CAIP in Nicholas County. Plans are currently underway to work with the county Conservation Board (the CAIP administrative entity) and possibly other groups to sponsor a major CAIP publicity event for county residents in Spring 2023.
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