Success Story2022 Rabbit Day Camp
2022 Rabbit Day Camp
Author: Hollyn Howard
Planning Unit: Nelson County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Providing Positive Youth Development Opportunities for the Youth of Nelson County
Outcome: Initial Outcome
2 Sessions of the Rabbit Day Camp were held. One in the spring and one in the fall, due to the level of interest recieved. With two sessions, the leader was able to reach the cap for the class at 22 youth participants. Additionally, 2 youth helpers, 2 parents, and an adult volunteer leader were present to make these sessions successful. These events included SNAP Ed/MyPlate snacks, introduction to art, cooking, natural resources, and agriculture.
The short-term outcome is that all participants indicated that they learned something new about taking care of animals, felt a sense of belonging in the group, and helped another member throughout the duration of the day camp.
The medium-term outcome is interest from members in a rabbit club/showing through 4-H.
One member has become interested in additional 4-H teen programs after being in a leadership role during her time assisting with this camp.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment