Success StoryRobotics Camp
Robotics Camp
Author: Brian Walker
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The last camp of the summer started on an high note as our summer came to a close. This was amazing; before the camp, 6 out of the 15 participants indicated that they were interested in learning more about Science, Engineering and Technology totaling 40%. The best was saved for last. 12 out of 15 Robotics Camp participants completed their post surveys and 100% of them responded yes to the statement, “I am interested in learning more about Science, Engineering and Technology projects.” The 60% increase was due to effective programming done by the 4-H Team that sparked their interest in learning not only Robotics, but how robotics impacts other fields of study. One child was so impacted that his mom sent the email below.
“ I just wanted to tell you that Drake had a GREAT time today! His first words getting into the car were “I am SO glad I did this!” He doesn’t get excited for much but he can’t wait to come back tomorrow!”
Based upon the results from the post survey, over 80% of the participants want to continue to learning about STEM and over 75% of the participants want to start a 4-H STEM Club this year.
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