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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success Story2018 KY-TN Grain Day

2018 KY-TN Grain Day

Author: Leann Martin

Planning Unit: Logan County CES

Major Program: Grain Crops

Plan of Work: Sustainable Crop Production through Chemical Management, Technology, & Environmental Stewardship

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Over the last six years, the grain prices in south central Kentucky have continued to drop with the average price per bushel of corn falling from $8.31 per bushel during the peak in August 2012, to $3.36 in November 2017. Grain production is a huge part of the local economy in south central Kentucky but with the profit deficits, it has become a major focus for efficiency. With increased efficiency, producers will be able to expand their margins to profits that allow them to continue production. The increased need for efficiency can be achieved with education and it is for that reason, the KY-TN Grain Conference continues to strive to educate producers to reach their highest potential for success.

The Cooperative Extension Services of the University of Kentucky and the University of Tennessee have joined together to host the KY-TN Grain Conference to bring the grain producers of Logan (KY), Todd (KY), Montgomery (TN), and Robertson Counties (TN) as well as the surrounding counties the most up to date, research based information to help them increase their yields and their profits. The KY-TN Grain Conference is a day of education; a day where the specialists, representing both Universities, join forces to bring a wide selection of topics that will benefit every producer.

Topics of Farm Applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Grain Marketing Update, Weed Management and Dicamba Issue Update, and knowing the Top 5 Keys to Profitability for 2018 Corn and Soybean Production were presented to ensure the producers a wide variety of information and knowledge. Greg Peterson, a very influential Agriculture Advocate from the Youtude sensation family, Peterson Farm Brothers, was the keynote speaker. He spoke on being an advocate and a voice for production agriculture and how making silly parody videos gave him the opportunity to teach all different ages and cultures about true agriculture production. 

The Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent from Logan, Todd, Montgomery, and Robertson Counties plan for a year in advance to insure they are bringing the most beneficial program to their producers. Agri-Businesses from across both states also come to introduce new and innovating ideas and methods to the producers through a diverse trade show. Attendees were also given the opportunity to gain Certified Crop Advisor and or Commercial Pesticide Continued Educational Units to satisfy their required licenses obligations.

The very diverse program showed favor to 143 participants in which 53 completed the after program survey.  According to the survey, 86% agreed that they increased their knowledge after listening to the Grain Market Update; 98% agreed that they increased their knowledge of Weed Management and have a better understanding of the Dicamba issues; 80% agreed that they increased their knowledge in Farm Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems; 92% agreed that they increased their knowledge after listening to the Top 5 Keys to Profitability; and 88% agreed that they increased their knowledge from listening to Greg Peterson and being an Advocate for Agriculture. 98% of participants plans to utilize information from the KY-TN Grain Conference in their farming operation and 92% of the participants feel that attending this Grain Conference will help them increase your farm income in grain production. Some believe that the knowledge gained could potentially increase their income by saving on inputs and overall $10,000 or more.

Providing opportunities for producers to gain knowledge and skills is an important part of the Cooperative Extension Services’ mission especially when that knowledge and skills leads to higher yields, higher efficiency and higher profits for the producers.

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