Success StoryLCA MCV Retreat

LCA MCV Retreat

Author: Deborah Shepherd

Planning Unit: Wayne County CES

Major Program: Master Clothing Volunteer

Plan of Work: Growing and Empowering Community Leaders

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Lake Cumberland Area Master Clothing Volunteers are vital to our communities.  They allow for an expanded out-reach to adult and youth community members teaching them important life skills.  They also help community members engage in art form activities that promote positive mental health benefits.  LCA MCV members reported a decline in Master Clothing Volunteers, a feeling of disconnect, need for better communication and more training opportunities.  In addition, they wanted better networking opportunities across county lines.  A Lake Cumberland Area MCV Retreat was implemented.   Six LCA MCV participants, Wayne County Extension Agent, FCS Program Assistant and Jeanne Badgett, Senior Extension Associate engaged in three days of learning opportunities, networking, roundtable sharing, and collaborative activities.  Volunteers reported feeling more connected, a gain in skills, and new excitement for MCV programming, networking and collaboration.  Two new MCV members have been recruited.  Cross county collaborative activities are taking place and a renewed excitement for programming and the MCV has occurred.   

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