Success StoryLet's Get Baking
Let's Get Baking
Author: Katie Mills
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Improving, basic lifeskills, well-being, and quality of life
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Today, more people are becoming obese and in Hopkins County alone 35 percent of children are obese. This is a large number that we are hoping to help decrease. Also, there are over 50 percent of youth eligible for free or reduced lunch. There could be many variables for why a youth may be obese. One could be that their parents or themselves do not have the knowledge to fix healthy meals. Another, that youth are not willing to try new foods that they have not had before or that eating healthy seems expensive. These are all areas that we touched during our "Let's Get Baking" day at the Hopkins County Extension Service that reached audience between 4th and 8th grade. This day was a partnership with the Hopkins County 4-H Youth Development Agent and Hopkins County FCS Agent. There was a total of 17 youth in participation for the six hour hands-on day of learning about kitchen safety, nutrition information, and basic cooking skills. Some examples of the topics covered throughout the day was how to safely use kitchen equipment like a blender or microwave, properly use a knife, measuring ingredients correctly, separating an egg, and browning meat thoroughly. At the end of the day, all of the youth were able to demonstrate their ability to properly measure wet and dry ingredients, identify and use a paring and chef's knife, and how to safely cook in a microwave and on a stove-top. On the survey, one youth put that because of "Let's Get Baking" day, she could now cook a healthy meal for her and her family.
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