Success StoryResidents Benefit from Extension and MS4’s Aligned Goals of Protecting Water

Residents Benefit from Extension and MS4’s Aligned Goals of Protecting Water

Author: Traci Johnson

Planning Unit: Todd County CES

Major Program: Water and Soil Quality and Conservation

Plan of Work: Protecting Water and Natural Resources

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Oldham County is one of 32 Kentucky counties with communities regulated as MS4s.  An MS4 is a community that has a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.  MS4 permittee must adopt ordinances that prohibit illicit discharges of non-stormwater into the MS4; prevent erosion and provide sediment control for construction sites; and provide stormwater control measures for long-term stormwater management. The MS4 permittees must submit an annual report detailing their compliance with the permit.  

Protecting natural resources is a priority for Extension as well, and Oldham County Extension regularly provides classes and services that support conservation and protection of water and soil.  Since 2016, education efforts have been reported to the La Grange MS4 permittee annually.  The Oldham County Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent made 12,220 direct and indirect contacts in calendar year 2021 associated with MS4 education.  Education included one-on-one site visits, diagnostic services, classes, field days, and delivery of information through newsletters.  Education included the following topics:

  • Soil Testing and Fertilizer Use
  • Pesticide Use and Stewardship
  • Pasture & Hay Field Management
  • Grain Crops Management
  • Vegetable Crop Management
  • Pond Management
  • Residential Lawn & Garden Management

Since 2011, Oldham County Extension has collaborated with Master Gardeners, Cattlemen, Conservation District and Currys Fork Watershed to offer nine programs that specifically address erosion, runoff and sediment control using native plants, rain gardens, rain barrels, buffer zones, and more.  Most recently, 170 people had the opportunity to learn about Pond Management at the Regional Beef Field Day in September 2021.  

Pond management is a hot topic for both farmers and residents.  Oldham County Extension and Currys Fork Watershed are hosting a Pond and Lake Management Field Day in July 2022 to address this continued need.

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