Success Story4-H Shooting Sports
4-H Shooting Sports
Author: Alyssa Cox
Planning Unit: Rockcastle County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: 4H Posters,4H Speeches, 4H Variety Show,4H Awards Banquet, 4H Camp,4H Fair Exhibits, Livestocks club
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports began in 1988 and is a nationally recognized program that focuses on fostering life skills and positive youth development through healthy competition, service, leadership, and education. The Rockcastle County Extension Council identified the 4-H Shooting Sports program as a top priority for the Agent who accepted the vacant 4-H Youth Development position. In their list of desires for the new 4-H Agent, they wanted them to be able to start a Shooting Sports club for Rockcastle County youth, so that they could learn firearm safety and marksmanship, while being involved in a community club.
The new Rockcastle County 4-H Youth Development Agent, Alyssa Cox, got to work putting together the Rockcastle County 4-H Shooting Sports program shortly after she began her new career. This started by identifying potential coaches and sending them to the Coaches’ Certification Workshop to learn how to lead a 4-H Shooting Sports program. Alyssa talked with local agencies and farmers to find a practice location. The Rockcastle County Sherriff’s Department excitedly offered their makeshift shooting range on a deputies’ farm.
Alyssa also began securing funds through the Rockcastle County 4-H Council to be able to purchase the necessary supplies for the program. This involves many expensive items, such as bows, a trap thrower, targets, and a safe. Alyssa submitted a grant application to Kentucky Supply and Demand for startup costs for new youth programs in Kentucky. They approved the request, and she was able to obtain four new shotguns and plentiful ammunition and clays for the upcoming season.
With a total of 17 participants signed up for the Rockcastle County Shooting Sports Club, Alyssa is excited to get this season underway. She plans to grow the program with several additional coaches, disciplines, and participants next season.
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