Success StorySkillet Cooking Class Sizzles with Information for Participants
Skillet Cooking Class Sizzles with Information for Participants
Author: Angie York
Planning Unit: Lyon County CES
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Choices
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In a worsening economy, clientele are looking to make better decisions about the purchases they make. To guide consumers as they think about purchasing new cookware, the Lyon County and Trigg County Family and Consumer Sciences agents collaborated on a lesson called "Skillet Cooking" which was offered to Homemakers across the nine Pennyrile area counties. The class taught participants best practices for seasoning cast iron skillets they may already have on hand as well as helped them understand how to properly clean them after use in order to prolong the seasoning and life of the skillet. In addition, they learned about different types of frying pans on the market today and how to care for and cook with each type. A hybrid teaching format was used. Those on Zoom received copies of all handouts and recipes by mail and those who opted to attend the lesson in-person were able to test recipes that were demonstrated and cooked by the agents in different types of skillets and frying pans.
Participants were polled on Zoom or given a paper evaluation if they attended in-person, for better understanding of how they would use the knowledge gained through the 2-hour lesson. 88% of the responders said they would be willing to try a new type of frying pan after hearing the options in the lesson. 100% reported that they would now clean and care for their frying pans and cast iron skillets in an appropriate manner to extend the life of the pan. Participants stated in the evaluation “I will take better care of my cast iron as this provided more info and technique” and “when shopping for frying pans I will have better guidelines.”
Participants also reported they enjoyed the options of a hybrid format for classes. With such a positive response, Family and Consumer Sciences agents will continue to use this format throughout Fiscal Year 23 and will offer similar leader lessons each month covering a wide variety of Family and Consumer Sciences related topics.
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