Success StoryTruth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Author: Brittany Thomas
Planning Unit: Marion County CES
Major Program: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Plan of Work: Family and Consumer Sciences
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), early use of drugs increases a person’s chances of more serious drug abuse and addiction. Drugs change brains, and this can lead to addiction and other serious problems. Because of this, preventing early use of drugs or alcohol may reduce the risk of progressing to later abuse and addiction. The number of diverted prescriptions and illegal drugs, overdoses, thefts, arrests, court cases, and medical/financial consequences of drug abuse continue to negatively impact many families in the community. To address the variety of substance abuse issues impacting our community, the Marion County Cooperative Extension Service and Knight Academy Family Resource Youth Services Center (FRYSC) organized Truth & Consequences: The Choice is yours by partnering with multiple local agencies. Truth & Consequences is an enrichment activity designed to show ninth grade students the impact of getting involved with illicit and legal substances. Truth and Consequences has a role-playing scenario section for the students, which includes possession of prescription drugs, sniffing, possession of alcohol, drug paraphernalia, or illegal drugs, trafficking, stealing drugs, etc. Depending on the scenario received, students visited appropriate officials and/or agencies to experience the consequences of their behavior. Along with the scenarios portion, three speakers from different organizations (Silverleaf, HOPE, and the Detention Center inmates) relayed information to the students on how to access help and where to go for help.
This event was made possible with a wide variety of community partners, including County Sheriff Office, City Police Department, District Judge, County Attorney, Hospital, Detention Center, Health Department, County School Administration, Pharmacist, Minister, Family Resources Center, Court Designated Worker, and Treatment Providers. Community volunteers, served as the role of “parents” to the youth and accompanied them as they visited the various agencies. The ninth-grade population of Marion County Knight Academy (147 students) participated in Truth & Consequences to learn more about the physical, legal, financial, and emotional consequences of substance abuse. A total of forty-two community partners and adult volunteers participated in the event as well.
Immediate feedback of the event, through student post-surveys, showed that students were impacted by learning about real situations of being involved in legal and illicit drugs. Even though 147 students participated in the event, 113 surveys were recovered. Results from the survey indicated 94.6% of the participants have developed a better understanding of the consequences of substance use (legal, health, emotional, and financial). Also, 96.5% of the participants learned about ways to access help if they had an issue with substance abuse, unhealthy relationship, etc. Both the students and community partners recognized the importance of this event and look forward to having it annually.
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