Success StoryWhite Oak Initiative's Landowners for Oaks Series
White Oak Initiative's Landowners for Oaks Series
Author: Darren Morris
Planning Unit: Forestry
Major Program: Forest Education: Health, Management, and Utilization
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The White Oak Initiative continues to expand and grow, reaching across 22 states within the range of white oak. Industries, universities, state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, private landowners and many others have rallied around the White Oak Initiative to help ensure healthy upland oak forests for generations to come.
Perhaps the most important are family-owned forest landowners. For this reason, a series of publications has been created to inform landowners, and others about white oak and upland oak forests. This Landowners for Oaks Series includes a total of 11 publications. Eight are factsheet publications that cover identifying characteristics and other interesting information about white oak and seven other important upland oaks which include northern red, southern red, black, chinkapin, chestnut, scarlet and post oak. Authors for these include Laurie Thomas and Darren Morris. The remaining three publications are called Understanding the Importance of White Oak, Challenges of Upland Oak Regeneration, and Sustainable Oak Management Practices. Authors for these include Dr. Jeff Stringer and Darren Morris.
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