Success StoryAdult Hook and Cook
Adult Hook and Cook
Author: Levi Berg
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education
Plan of Work: Environmental and Technology Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation of Kentucky Survey, there are 347,000 hunters in the state of Kentucky, and unfortunately, that is a decrease of 7% of hunters in from 2011 to 2001. Due to this decrease, the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife started working with the University of Kentucky Extension Agents to help in the recruiting process of new anglers. In 2022, the Clark County Extension wanted to help increase participation in fishing, and decided to host an Adult Hook and Cook. This program would be aimed at adults who are looking to learn about fishing, clean their catch, and cook their catch. The program started with teaching eight participants about regulations, fisheries conservation, fishing gear, tying knots, and setting up a fishing pole. After the classroom portion, participants were taught how to filet fish. Some participants had already known how to clean fish, but the majority were able to learn a new skill for the future. Next was the cooking portion, where the participants were able to try multiple recipes from the Cook Wild Kentucky program. Finally, the participants were able to fish with experienced mentors. Other achievements is that the Extension Office was able to make two new collaborations with groups in the county with hadn’t happened in the past.
Stories by Levi Berg
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Stories by Clark County CES

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Goodwill Meets 4-H
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