Success StoryYouth Fishing
Youth Fishing
Author: Levi Berg
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education
Plan of Work: Environmental and Technology Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation of Kentucky Survey, there are 347,000 hunters in the state of Kentucky, and unfortunately, that is a decrease of 7% of hunters in from 2011 to 2001. Due to this decrease, the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife started working with the University of Kentucky Extension Agents to help in the recruiting process of new anglers. In 2022, the Clark County Extension wanted to help increase youth participation in fishing, and decided to try to increase youth participation by offering fishing at 4-H Camp and also a youth only Hook and Cook. While at camp, over 60 youth had the opportunity to try and learn about fishing by experienced mentors and other youth instructors. Also at camp, youth were able to learn how to tie fishing knots, read regulations, bait their own hooks, and ultimately learn to fish. As for the Hook and Cook, the Clark County Extension Agents all took a part in the planning and running of the program. This program would be more in depth learning of fishing gear, regulations of fishing, fishing gear setup, cleaning fish, cooking fish, and ultimately be able to experience fishing with an experienced mentor. Fourteen youth participated in this program. Some significant highlights include that each participant was able to go home with their own fishing pole and tackle box, volunteers from the different organizations helped during the fishing portion, collaborations were made between two new entities with the Clark County Extension Office, and finally, new youth anglers were able to catch fish.
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