Success StoryDon't Guess, Test
Don't Guess, Test
Author: Kendal Bowman
Planning Unit: Owen County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Enhancing Sustainable Livestock and Forage Production
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Owen County ranks in the top 10 in the state of Kentucky for hay with approximately 38,134 acres produced. In an effort to inform livestock producers of possible supplement needs based on the forage analysis, the Owen County Extension ANR (Agriculture & Natural Resource) agent Kendal Bowman, Owen County Fair Board, and KDA (Kentucky Department of Agriculture) partnered to coordinate a Hay Contest in conjunction with the 2022 Owen County 4-H Fair and Horse Show. This was our 6th annual hay show to took place with 43 different lots of hay. This was our biggest show to date!
On Sunday June 26th , though July 5th 2022 the Owen County ANR agent began coordinating the hay show and its services, some deliveries, some load out, collected hay samples, and newsletter and social media advertisements. Unfortunately, hay was not able to be tested on site by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture mobile testing program this year due COVID.
Testing forages to formulate rations and diets can reduce underfeeding and overfeeding of animals. When a producer overestimates the nutritional value of his forage, it can have a negative affect their animal’s health; impacting performance, reducing reproduction rates, decreasing lactation, or growth. While the feed cost of an overestimated diet is lower, not meeting the nutritional requirements of that animal results in reduced performance and impacts the producer’s profitability.
With the current cost for input commodities, producers can’t afford to overestimate the nutritional value. The result of underestimating the nutritional value of a feed, overfeeding the animals results in increased feed costs and decreased profitability. Also, if overfeeding is in excess, livestock can become obese, which also can negatively impact reproductive performance. Our annual hay show serves several purposes. Most importantly, it allows an opportunity to showcase to the community the result of our clientele’s hard work and efforts. In return, this opportunity also educates producers about the need for forage testing. This service has the opportunity in a local price discovery by connecting hay buyers and sellers together.
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