Success StoryDeveloping Leaders from Volunteers through Extension Programs
Developing Leaders from Volunteers through Extension Programs
Author: Ronda Rex
Planning Unit: Gallatin County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
According to KELD (Kentucky Extension Leadership Development), “successful organizations consist of people who serve the community by engaging their creative talents and interests to serve the organization as well as the community” (Generating Members, Volunteers and Leaders in Community Organizations). Barbara Devlin and Lori Neltner are two volunteers/leaders who have done just that by providing over 60 years of their creative talents/interests and skills (learned through the Cooperative Extension Service) to Family & Consumer Sciences’ participants. KELD also teaches that “leadership is much more about an effective relationship than it is the superior skills or traits of the leader alone. The leaders and followers work together to achieve organizational goals---they collaborate for success. Leaders and followers must be close allies and work together to get things done.” (Followership: Understanding the Basics of Teamwork). Ronda Rex, Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Education, has worked extremely hard at creating a strong relationships with the two volunteers. Over the years, Ronda has provided training and skills for both ladies as part of the Mommy & Me…in the Garden and Kitchen Program focusing on: nutrition, food preparation and safety, matching personalities and talents and volunteer/leadership development. Curricula utilized included: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Plate It Up, Kentucky Proud and Nutrition Education Program recipes, Accessing Nutritious Foods, Securing Financial Security, Empowering Community Leaders (Champion Food Volunteer and Kentucky Extension Leadership Development). Both ladies have devoted a substantial amount of their time to the Mommy & Me…in the Garden and Kitchen program. Both Lori and Barb were named Outstanding Extension Volunteers of the Year for 2011 and 2015 respectively. Both ladies made ongoing presentations at the Mommy & Me classes focusing on food preparation skills and mentoring the children and their parents. Barb and Lori also assisted with the Linking Arms program serving people at the Hosea House and Northern KY Community Action Commission’s Faith Pharmacy program.
Barb volunteered for Mommy & Me and the Champion Food Volunteer programs for 6 years. Barb was an Extension Homemaker for over 35 years and took on active roles in Extension Homemakers and Extension programs/classes/event in all three Kenton, Boone and Campbell counties. She completed the Champion Food Volunteer Program and gave back to the N. KY area through teaching and volunteer efforts. Ronda and Barb worked on Management and Safety programs together as part of the N. KY Area Plan of Work’s Management and Safety committee. With great sadness, in November 2017, Barb passed away. Upon her passing, Barb’s family spoke fondly about how she loved volunteering for the Mommy & Me program. The family donated all monetary condolences from Barb’s memorial to the Mommy & Me…in the Garden and Kitchen Program.
Lori has been volunteering for the Mommy & Me program for 10 years and with the Family & Consumer Sciences Program area for over 10 years. Lori conducted a “Sewing Aprons” event for the Active Day Adult Day Care Center and facilitated sewing classes with homemakers to provide homemade aprons for the center. Lori represents the Family & Consumer Sciences Program area as a member of the Campbell County Client Protection Committee and District Forum. Lori and her family have volunteered at the Teens On Wheels program as well.
Lori stated that she “feels honored as a leader to be able to give back to the community by volunteering for Mommy & Me in order to keep families involved in such a program that focuses on necessary life skills.” Lori states that she “now has an increased confidence in her leadership abilities” as a result of Extension. Using the KY volunteer dollar value of $20.29 (KEHA Handbook 2014), both Barb and Lori’s time added up to $2,571.52 last year alone for the Mommy & Me Program. Over the years, the relationship between Ronda, Barb and Lori had become very strong. This relationship or investment has resulted in and even larger investment. This larger investment has resulted in individuals and families in Campbell County gaining invaluable life skills/experiences from the agent/volunteer team who have passed along a plethora of research-based knowledge, skills and wisdom. Such skills include: the creation of home gardens by the families, the families trying new foods, eating healthier meals at home as opposed to eating out and spending quality family time together. (See program results for Mommy & Me by viewing past years’ success stories.)
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