Success StoryDirect to consumer educational outreach

Direct to consumer educational outreach

Author: Anthony Tackett

Planning Unit: Bourbon County CES

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Plan of Work: Horticulture Production Practices

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The Bourbon County Extension Service serves local communities through a wide variety of outreach activities.  We continued to face challenges during the past year due to the ongoing COVID-19 related ussies.  Despite these hurdles the Bourbon Extension Office has never been closed and we have continued our work in new and innovative ways to help keep everyone safe.  Outreach efforts continued but, in some cases, looked different this year.   Direct educational field outreach continued but social distancing guidelines was strictly followed with field visits and one on one diagnostics.   In response to local consumer requests the Bourbon Extension Horticulture program has delivered to date over 250 direct one-on-one educational consultations and meetings during the past year.   These direct educational opportunities included a variety of activities including phone calls, emails, office, Zoom meetings, and site visits.   These opportunities included both single and multi session consults.  These direct to consumer/producer activities tend to be more intensive and are always custom tailored to individual situations.  These efforts were supported by the full Extension Service system including plant and disease labs and on campus specialist support.  

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