Success StoryEast KY hay contest
East KY hay contest
Author: Reed Graham
Planning Unit: Breathitt County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Eastern Kentucky hay contest and forage testing program has been very successful in educating producers on the importance and economic impact of forage improvement.
In the past two years we have seen a record number for forage samples. 1127 samples total.
This program was initiated twenty-five years ago and over this period more than 6089 hay samples have been submitted for testing.
The contest, which creates some friendly competition between four east Kentucky beef cattle associations, has been a good instrument to get producers to test their hay.
Data received from these test assist producers in making management decisions on improving their hay quality and supplement needs for livestock. Also, the data is being used to balance feed rations that improve animal performance.
In Breathitt County, this program and contest has led to a dramatic increase in the number of requests to have their forage tested. Most years Breathitt County has averaged 15 samples. This year, that number rose to 22 tests. More than 10 producers are requesting to have their hay tested. This represents around 30% of all forage producers in the county. Clientele realize the economic value of using this data to balance feed rations. On average, feed rations are balanced representing more than 200 animals annually.
Educational tours and programs at this contest have educated producers on harvesting their forage crop at the correct times and how to store their hay crop to prevent loss in quality. Also the latest in forage equipment has been demonstrated. Plans are to begin utilizing RCARS for forage demonstrations.
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