Success Story4-H Camp 2022
4-H Camp 2022
Author: Paula Jerrell
Planning Unit: Ballard County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Developing Human Capitol
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Wow! What a year we had for 4-H Camp. We took 54 campers,11 counselors and 1 agent to residential camp. This is Ballard County's second highest number ever. We had three returning counselors who were awesome and eight new counselors plus one 15 year old CIT (counselor in training). They all worked as a team and made Ballard County's week a super one. Our campers lived up to the expectations set for them and the counselors exceeded my expectations of them. One of our cabin groups won the spirit stick at the Mega Relay which made them so proud! The campers loved "to Sally", loved their classes and 100% reported learning something new. They also made new friends and learned to live in a group and be responsible for their own belongings. All of our campers reported wanting to come back next year!
We had $2,612.50 in donated scholarships for some of our campers who couldn't have gone otherwise. The entire Ballard Extension Staff was involved in getting ready for camp, getting to camp, teaching at camp and/or getting home from camp. Ballard County 4-H has strong community support and wonderful volunteer leaders!
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