Success StoryWhat's in a name?
What's in a name?
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Planning Unit: Meade County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Financial Management, Soft Skill Development, Human Development, Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Covid greatly impacted participation in the Extension Homemaker program in Meade County. Restrictions made it difficult to interact and as a result a loss in membership occurred. To address challenges facing the organization, the Lincoln Trail Area Extension Homemaker Council participated in a day long program aimed at identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as ways to market programs, reach out to potential new members as well as engage current members. Council members returned to their counties and conducted similar session with their county leadership who in turn led club members through the process. In exploring ways to encourage membership in the younger demographics suggestions focused on changing the image and the way we do things. Many felt the extension homemakers are too business like and are often reflected as crafters and cooks. One suggestion focused on other extension programs promoting the organization, especially in the area of 4H so the young members realize there is life in extension after 4H. Other suggestions focused on promoting the image as community partners by connecting with other organization in the community such as the Chamber of Commerce, churches, soccer or baseball field and school system. A few even carried forward the thought of changing the name of the organization and spent time trying to come up with a new one to reflect the purpose. Many concluded personal invitation as the best way to recruit new members and to have a clear message about the organization. The county organization is working to create a quick message to members to share when inviting others to join and creating an impact statement on their community projects and volunteer hours.
Stories by Jennifer Bridge

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Stories by Meade County CES

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Stories by Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

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