Success StoryStress Eating
Stress Eating
Author: Tracy Cowles
Planning Unit: Butler County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Plan of Work: Nutrition and Food Systems
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Stress is something we have felt a lot of lately. Whether positive or negative, stress can take a toll on our eating habits. In fact, research shows the foods we eat and the emotions we feel are closely linked. The urge to stress eat is normal, but over time the comfort of our favorite foods wanes. Fortunately, there are a variety of tips and tricks people can apply to manage stress eating while still savoring favorite comfort foods.????
To support people in creating their personalized approach for managing stress eating, the Butler County Extension Office held a workshop in February 2022. The program focused on what stress eating is, reasons we stress eat, strategies for managing stress eating, and tips for enjoying comfort foods. Extension developed this program to normalize stress eating and provide people with knowledge, skills, and confidence to identify and manage stress eating in ways that work for them. The goal of this program is to increase knowledge about why stress makes it harder to make nutritious choices and strategies for managing stress eating.??
21 people participated in the workshop. The participants were men ranging from 22 years of age to 52 years of age. These men are recovering addicts, and are already dealing with stressors in their daily life and educating them on how to deal with stress eating was important and relative. Of those surveyed following the program, 95% stated they had a better understanding of reasons stress makes it harder to make nutritious choices. Additionally, 85% of participants said they had a better understanding of strategies to manage stress eating and 100% said they intend to apply those strategies during times of stress. Many participants (85%) also indicated they better understood ways to mindfully enjoy comfort foods and 95% intend to do so.??
One participant stated he had gained weight over the past three months and now realize it was stress eating. He since stated his eating habits have changed and his weight is returning to a more desired number. ????
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment