Success StoryA Little Dirt and Succulent Plants Awarded Blue Ribbons at the County Fair!!!
A Little Dirt and Succulent Plants Awarded Blue Ribbons at the County Fair!!!
Author: Laura Rogers
Planning Unit: Whitley County CES
Major Program: Small Farm Management
Plan of Work: Skills Development through Youth Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Kentucky State University's Small Farm Program and Beginning Farmer Project, in collaboration with the University of Kentucky 4H agent Christy Martin of Russell County, worked together to teach succulent classes for 4H and clover buds students.
The material covered in the classes was the proper technique to plant a dish garden with succulent plants. Why succulents do very well in a dish garden, and other plants will not prosper. We instructed students on a succulent water storage system, the difference between a shallow root system and that of a plant whose roots reach deep due to needing more water for their growth and development.
These classes, along with the blue ribbons, improve participants' confidence! Two students enter the Russell County Fair, winning first place ribbons in the 4H dish group and the Clover Buds section. Both young people were smiling ear to ear and beaming!!
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